Unipar is a Brazilian company incorporated on May 28, 1969, which operates in the chemical and petrochemical segment through its three production units strategically located in Cubatão (SP/Brazil), Santo André (SP/Brazil) and Bahía Blanca (Argentina), to meet the demand from Brazil and other countries. Unipar also holds interest in Solalban, a power generation company in Argentina, and interest in Tucano Holding and Veleiros, wind power generation companies, and Lar do Sol, a solar power generation company in Brazil.
Unipar main shareholder is Vila Velha, which holds 50.001% of the voting capital.
The Unipar Group is constituted by Unipar Carbocloro S.A., Unipar Indupa S.A.I.C., Unipar Indupa do Brasil S.A. and also holds interests in the power generation companies Solalban Energia S.A., Tucano Holding III S.A., Veleiros Holding and Lar do Sol.
It is located in the São Paulo office at Av. Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek 1327, 22th floor. You can also contact the IR department by telephone at (11) 3704-4200 or via e-mail at ri@unipar.com.
UNIPAR’s shares are listed on the traditional segment at B3 as detailed below:
- Common – “UNIP3”;
- Class A Preferred – “UNIP5”;
- Class B Preferred – “UNIP6”;
Please contact Banco Itaú (Itaú Corretora), phone number: 3003-9285 capital and metropolitan area, other locations 0800 7209285, which is in charge of the custody and bookkeeping of UNIPAR securities. In case your name is not included in the reference files, the bank will guide you as to the documentation to be filed for your identification as shareholder.
The income report for individuals (IRPF) is available exclusively on the Itaú Digital Correspondence Portal and can be accessed via the link: https://correspondenciasdigitais.com.br/login
To have access to the documents that must be filed at the exclusive branches of Banco Itaú so that to migrate to the electronic files of the Company’s shareholders, please contact Banco Itaú (Itaú Corretora) at the phone number (55) 3003-9285 capital and metropolitan, other locations 0800 7209285.